Travel Blog. Newlyweds traveling the United States with our dog Daisy and a popup camper.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Crazy? Brave? Stupid?

As the days pass by at an alarming rate, I find myself mixed with feelings of anxiety, excitement, stress, nervousness, fear, impatience... 4 more days. 4 more days until we start our adventure.

Everyday, since we made our decision to take on the American Tour, has been filled with comments from friends, family, acquaintances, and strangers, that always contain the words "Y'all are... (fill in the blank). That blank is usually filled with "crazy", "brave", "risk takers", "insane", "nuts", "awesome", "irresponsible"; you get the point.

Matt and I find ourselves defending our decision, even if there is no reason to. I came up with the idea that maybe I am still convincing myself this is the right thing to do. As this thought went through my mind I thought, who is to say what the right thing to do is?

We are young, we are newlyweds, we do not have kids yet and do not own a home. Why is it "crazy" that we are taking advantage of this time to be together and to take an adventure we both have always wanted to? Why are people so scared to go against the "norm". I realize that it is important to be successful in life, but to us, success does not mean owning a 4000 square foot home by the time we are 30. Most people rate their success by their careers, their cars, their owning a home. We want all the above, and could have been their quickly and know we can get their in the future. We don't know what could happen tomorrow or the next day and we both strongly believe to take advantage of the time you have. Why are people so scared to do that?

Next time someone says: "I wish I had the nerve to do that", my reply will be "you do, pack up your stuff and go".

As for us, our first stop is Camping on the Buffalo River this weekend. It soon begins...


  1. Some people dream their dreams, others do their dreams and are much richer for it. Have an exciting experience and keep being yourselves! Can't wait to read about your experiences!

  2. some people sees things as they are and ask "why?" others dare to dream dreams and see things as they might be and ask "why not?"

  3. What's so great about normal anyway? You guys have the opportunity of a lifetime and have every reason to take full advantage. You only have one life. This is it!

    Mark Twain wrote one of my favorite quotes and I think it is perfectly appropriate for you guys....

    "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."

    Love you guys,
